
Filme, Videos, Kurzfilme
Films, videos, short films


farbengedicht (c) Ingrid Gans
farbengedicht aus dem Video von Ingrid Gans
  • 18. Flensburger Kurzfilmtage (DE) 2018
  • 9th International Video Poetry Festival (GR) 2021 – englische Version


screenshot Video "diffuse" © Ingrid Gans

partikel / particles

Screenshot Particles, Video 2020 (c) Ingrid Gans
  • 22. Schweinfurter Kurzfilmtage (DE) 2021
  • Tatras International Film Festival (SK) 2021
  • Experimental Film Online 2022
  • Cardora Micro–Movie Film Festival (UK) 2022


Odile Kennel – going to Pasárgada

Odile Kennel „going to Pasárgada”. Symbolbild
  • International Poetry Film Festival (US–CA) 2022 2022
  • Nature & Culture – Film Festival  (DK)  2022


  • Tatras International Film Festival (SK) 2021
  • Diminute International Minimum Film Festival (MX) 2021
  • Athens International Digital Film Festival (GR) 2021
  • Extremely Shorts Films Festival (US-TX) 2022
  • Rudis Festival
  • Mannheim Arts and Film Festival (DE) 2021 – Award Winner Category Human Rights
  • 1st Monthly Film Festival (RS) 2021 – Award Winner Category War Film

linien / lines

Video LINES/LINIEN (c) Ingrid Gans
Video LINES/LINIEN (c) Ingrid Gans
  • MicroActs 7 (UK) 2020
  • 27. Internationale Kurzfilmtage Regensburg (DE) 2021
  • The Magical Charm Experimental Video & Film Fest (US) 2021
  • Mabig Film Festival / MFF (DE) 2021
  • Best Music Video Award (UK) 2021
  • Rome Music Video Awards (IT) 2021
  • Art Film Awards / Honorable Mention (MK) 2021
  • Music Video Clip Monthly Awards / Honorable Mention 2021


Video "Repeat" © Ingrid Gans
  • Porto Femme – International Film Festival (PT) 2021
  • 21. Schweinfurter Kurzfilmtage (DE) 2020 – deutsche Version
  • Atelierhof Werenzhain, Offene Ateliers Brandenburg (DE) 2020


Vulva manifest by Ingrid Gans, Animation, 4:47 Min., 2022 SnapShot
  • 2nd Orchid Lesbian Film Festival (AR) 2022
  • Divine Queer Film Festival (IT) 2023
  • Merced Queer Film Festival (US) 2023
  • Munich Music Video Awards (DE) 2023
  • Redwood Film Festival (US) 2023
  • Cinematography & Photography Awards (UK) 2023
  • Prague International Music Awards (CZ), Winner Category LGBT Music Video 2023
Ingrid Gans vulva-manifest Official Selection bei Cinematography & Photography Awards August 2023